Dustin's Best of 2017, #10: Freya Wilcox & The Howl - 'Tooth & Nail'

Do you ever wait a really long time for something and once you finally get it, it doesn't nearly live up to the expectations that you set for it in your head, and even though you can appreciate that it's fine for what it is, you still can't help but hear a nagging voice in the back of your head that says its your own damn fault for not enjoying it as much as you could be?

I felt that way about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But in no way is that how I feel about Freya Wilcox & The Howl's Tooth & Nail, which I've also been waiting on for two years. This album lived up to pretty much every expectation that I had for it. Of course, I've been lucky enough to see every song performed live countless times well before it's release, but it's so nice to finally be able to take these songs with me on the go. One of the more thrilling bike rides I took this summer involved needing to go three miles in fifteen minutes so I put this album on to get my blood pumping and it worked wonders. The blood pumping part, that is. I was still late because I live in NYC and traffic is terrifying when you're on a bike. (Of all of my anecdotes about my favorite albums, this is probably my most boring. Freya, Craig, and CJ, if you're reading this I'm sorry).

In conclusion, I share boring stories, I'm super happy that this album has finally come out, and I was disappointed with The Last Jedi, but I blame myself for that and not the filmmakers.

Stream Tooth & Nail below.

Recommended tracks: "Skin," "Nothing," "All In," "Leaving," "Freightliner"


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