My favorite songs of 2017: Part 1

Not content with writing 20 individual entries for my favorite albums of last year, I decided to spend new year's day making a playlist of some of my favorite songs that were on my favorite albums, as well as a few that were on albums that didn't make the cut. (Also, it's freezing outside so I was going to spend the day inside regardless.)

As my list of songs grew, I realized I needed to make some cuts. I know that in this age of digital streaming, long playlists are common and it's not that big of a deal, but I personally don't like playlists that run on for too long. When it comes to making personalized mixes, I like to stay within 12 to 15 songs and I make it a point to never run over an hour (in 2017 I made at least two mixes that didn't follow either of those guidelines, but I've been known to bend the rules here and there). And since I don't actually know who reads this blog, this playlist is primarily for myself- making it the ultimate personalized mix! (or something).

All of this is my way of justifying turning a single, 40+ song, 108 minute playlist into three smaller (and, in my opinion), more digestible playlists. Rather than leaving the songs in the random order that I added them (which was mostly alphabetical but that's not important), I tried to give each playlist a flow. I think it mostly works, with some songs work blending together thematically or bouncing off each other's energies. It should be noted that I also might associate specific songs with each other because I discovered them at the same time and that they might not actually flow well.

But I digress. The first of these three playlists, which I've dubbed It's Me and You, can be streamed below. Parts two and three to come.

If I had only made a single playlist of 20 songs, I feel confident in saying that these would all still be on it. 2017 was a trying year in a lot of ways, and all of these songs reflect some sort of mental or emotional struggle that I dealt with this year. Except "Skin" and "Sweat." Those ones I associate with sex. (And "Mixtape" but that one is there to act a tension reliever)


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