CDs Revisited: Avenged Sevenfold - 'City of Evil'

I thought I would have more time before this one came up, but I guess the loosely structured algorithm I'm using to select the next CD in my collection had other ideas.

If I'm being honest, I only bought this album because a kid I didn't even consider a friend recommended it. And he was friends with a girl that I liked at the time, and I wanted her to think that I liked the people that she liked. I was dumb in high school. I listened to this album in full maybe five times. Maybe. I remember telling the kid who recommended it that I thought it was good, but there's almost no way that I could have said that convincingly. I'm not even sure if he actually liked it, or if it was just because "Bat County" was still a semi-big single and he knew he liked that song.

For the purposes of this entry, I've been re-listening to this album and.... well, I think it's best if I use a Parks and Recreation quote to sum up my feelings about this album:

"It's like the movie Expendables 2. First time, hated it. Second time, hated it. Third time, it was okay. But then the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, tenth time I watched it, I realized something: It's just- it's not good."

I could go on about how it's not the worst sounding album I've ever heard, because there are certainly worse ones (that's my third listen trying to win me over), but I think I've spent as much time on this as I want to- I get why some people might like it but it's just not something I enjoy. To think, I could have continued to live my life without ever needing to remember that "Seize the Day" existed if I just hadn't put this album on again. You live and you learn.

Final verdict: A definite Hate on this one. After I got to side B it felt like I had listened to at least four songs and I was wondering when the album would end and I discovered that I had only listened to two more songs.

Do you hate this album, too? Or do you hate that I hate it? You can stream it via Spotify below and tell me how right or wrong you think I am.


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